Fourteen more hydrological PhD theses have been added to the PhD theses section

14 more hydrological PhD theses, most of them from ITC, Twente University in Enschede (NL), have just been added to the PhD theses section.

Earth observation with wet feet – Inaugural address Dr. Bob Su

We just received the inaugural address of Dr. Z. (Bob) Su, Professor of Spatial Hydrology and Water Resources Management at ITC in Enschede (NL), given on 3 November 2005.

The Hydropolitical Baseline of the Upper Jordan River

The Hydropolitical Baseline of the Upper Jordan River study, undertaken by the UEA Water Security Research Centre, examines the history and current politics of water use in the basin – specifically the Liddan, Banias and Hasbani sub-basins. An interdisciplinary lens interprets the archives of French and British authorities, Lebanese and Israeli river flow data, news media, interviews and unpublished official reports. Finding the distribution of the transboundary flows to be asymmetric in the extreme, the study investigates how the inequity has been achieved and is maintained.

PhD defense «Groundwater System Identification through Time Series Analysis»

Careful analysis of groundwater level fluctuations may reveal much of the functioning of systems, and of the effects of individual factors. This is shown by many, but practiced by too few, as traditional time series analysis theory and software are complex. In his thesis, Jos von Asmuth presents a new method of time series analysis. The defense of his thesis will be on 5 March 2012 at Delft University of Technology.

Alternative World Water Forum/Forum Alternatif Mondial de l’Eau (FAME)) presents its programme

The objective of the Alternative World Water Forum (AWWF) – in French, the Forum Alternatif Mondial de l’Eau (FAME) – is to create a concrete alternative to the 6th World Water Forum, which is organized by the World Water Council. The programme is now available online, the entrance fee is attractive, and nice banners too!

The Economist: Counting the cost of calamities

»If human nature cannot be changed, government policy can be. That might mean spending more on preventing disaster so as to cut its costs. Roughly 20% of humanitarian aid is now spent responding to disasters, whereas a paltry (but rising) 0.7% is spent on preventive measures taken to mitigate their possible consequences, according to the World Bank. The Netherlands, whose existence has long been at the mercy of nature, may be at the forefront of rethinking how to cope with it.«, according to The Economist.

Water Youth Movement to start discussions on water challenges and solutions

Youth Diplomacy (a French youth think tank) and young Dutch water enthousiasts have started the Water Youth Movement, a network of youth organizations. It gathers young, enthusiastic people who believe that it is important to give young people all over the world a say in how their future should look like. Participants of youth initiatives are invited to contribute to the youth vision, while several discussions are being set up.

PhD defense Yuliya Vystavna

On 9 March 2012, Ms Yuliya Vystavna will defend her hydrological PhD thesis «Environmental and socio-economic determinants, their impact on trace metals and pharmaceuticals in water courses: a comparison of two watersheds in France and Ukraine».

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