Key publications by Dutch hydrologists
Numerical modelling of groundwater basins (1981)

This book by Boonstra and De Ridder (1981) was one of the first to describe the use of computer technology for numerical modelling of groundwater. It is still a very useful introduction for those engaging in modelling of groundwater systems.

The auger-hole method (1958)

The method consists of pumping the water out of an auger-hole extending below the water table and then measuring the rate of the rise of the water in the hole. It is a widely used procedure to measure the saturated hydraulic conductivity in saturated soils. The measured result is dominated by the average value of the horizontal conductivity of the profile.

Modelkalibratie: het geautomatiseerd ijken van grondwatermodellen

«Modelkalibratie: het geautomatiseerd ijken van grondwatermodellen» (Model calibration: the automated calibration of groundwater models) is a collection of lectures and papers presented on 7 November 1996 during a meeting of the Netherlands Hydrological Society (NHV). The meeting was an initiative of the NHV working group on model calibration, to present its findings.

Understanding Water in a Dry Environment

In order to provide water security in the twenty-first century, there is universal agreement that a continuation of current policies and extrapolation of trends is not an option. Also clear is that from both water supply and development perspectives, the world’s arid and semi-arid regions are those currently and potentially experiencing the highest water stresses.

Water information: what is it good for?

Consistent and relevant information on the status of water systems is indispensable for rational and cost-effective water management. This statement has general validity for all types of river basins, but is particularly relevant for transboundary water regions.

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