IHP Events

Vth International Symposium on Transboundary Waters Management

3–5 October 2011, Bled, Slovenia • The main topic of the symposium is Transboundary Surface Waters and Shared Aquifers. The aims of the symposium are: (1) to assess the state of the art and the progress recently made in the sustainable management of transboundary waters by different disciplines such as law, socioeconomics and water science; (2) to promote interdisciplinary approaches for integrated transboundary water resources management and (3) to review current major international programmes concerned with the assessment and management of transboundary water resources.

The management of the Guarani aquifer system

21–23 September 2011, São Paulo • In August 2010 Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, countries that share the Guarani Aquifer System (GAS), signed a new agreement for the management of this complex system. The four countries are now involved in the ratification process and in the negotiations of institutional aspects, including discussions regarding an annex to the Agreement on arbitration procedures. Against this background, the management of the GAS can benefit from a debate about the steps that have been taken until now, and about the challenges that lay ahead.

UNESCO workshop on Water and Governance • World Water Day 2011, Wereldwaterdag 2011

22 March 2011, Delft  • UNESCO workshop on Water and Governance at different levels. Agenda 21 of the United Nations comprises, inter alia, the Dublin Principles. These principles are based on different conceptions of how decisions should be made. On 22 March, World Water Day, we will look at conceptions and implementation of water governance at different governance levels.

Joint initiative on water and peace for UNESCO-IHE and UPEACE

The UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education (based in Delft, the Netherlands) and the UN-Mandated University for Peace (UPEACE, based in Costa Rica) have decided to combine their expertise and knowledge on water and conflict resolution by establishing a joint initiative on the topic of Water and Peace. This unique cooperation is meant to trigger complementary research and education in a field which deserves attention now more than ever.

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